Thursday, October 4, 2018

Mental Illness and Armstrongism: Five-Alarm Crisis

The Exit and Support Network and Banned by HWA have again, sadly, reported on yet another tragic suicide in the Philadelphia Church of God cult. I would say I'm shocked. But I'm not. This is not the first time this has happened with this particular end-times cult. This is not the first time this has happened within Armstrongism itself. 

My condolences are with the family that has been shattered by this latest crisis. Exit and Support and Banned By HWA - Linked above - posted the following from the husband of the victim: 

After being kicked out of her congregation when she needed them, the most was too much for her to bare. This most precious of women left a husband, 3 kids, and 3 grandchildren, in tears and disbelief. Flurry's dictatorship style teaching falsehoods of God’s word pushed this beautiful wife and mother to her grave.

 There is absolutely no excuse. There is absolutely nothing that can be said in the defense of PCG for this. It is a shameful and horrifying example of the effects of Armstrongism that has permanently altered the course of one family. They cannot bring the victim back. 

The policies, the cold, harsh treatment - the loveless attitudes and the chilling, destructive, cultish love of authority that dictate the behaviors of Armstrongism in so many ways produce the exact conditions that fuel the explosive growth of mental illness of all forms within Armstrongism. From severe depression, to anxiety, to debilitating stress - to fostering the stunting of the normal growth and development of emotional maturity - to teaching and promoting the ignorance of basic medical care in some groups - all in the name of God in the promotion of their sick, twisted and distorted philosophies that have caused so much harm - the full spectrum of emotional and spiritual abuse has affected thousands within the 60-plus years of the cult of Armstrongism, based on the repugnant and destructive false interpretation of the Gospel. This is a five-alarm crisis that should sound every siren and ring every bell among those who have experienced and are experiencing, or have family and relatives who are involved within the confines of the prison of Armstrongism. 

The spiritual and the mental abuse to the victims must be exposed. The victims must be treated. The truth will set them free. 

No one is immune. From the smallest symptoms to the greatest manifestations - the harm of Armstrongism has affected, in some way,everyone who has been impacted with Armstrongism. From the financially crippling policies that induce stress. From the separating of friends and families by the emphasis on exclusivity - to the destructive diatribes and falsely corrective, spiritually reprobate messages - all the way to the cover-ups and support of crime and abuse - the impact reverberates with wave after wave of emotional damage. 

Mental illness has been amplified, magnified, and intensified exponentially inside Armstrongism by the corrupt and satanic policies within the cults. If ever there was a need for the victims inside who are shackled and chained inside their prison of false belief and condemnation by illegitimate "ministers" - who are actually wolves in the clothing of sheep - it is now. 

I am a strong advocate of behavioral health. I know where I am speaking from. Due to being raised in an extreme fundamentalist family deeply entrenched in Armstrongism, I have received and am receiving extensive de-programming treatment in the recovery of the effects of Armstrongism in my life. Stop the Stigma! It is OK to say you need help! It is OK to get help! There is no need for any more victims. There is no need or people to go through the spiritual abuse and the pain that is happening within the families who are needlessly being harmed mentally and spiritually by such wickedness. These people need to know they have a voice. That they have a reason for being, and for living. That they do have certain rights - the biggest one being support, friends, and the basic rights of humanity. They need to know they can overcome their depression and anxiety. And that they can overcome the harmful influence of those who oppose the love of God and the peace of God in their lives - that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. They need more than anything to know four simple words. 

They are NOT alone. 

If you are reading this right now, and you are in Armstrongism, and you feel absolutely defeated, depressed, discouraged, sad and hopeless - that you don't know where to go or what to do - I strongly plead and urge you to contact a behavioral health expert from your city or your state - and someone you fully trust or had trusted before you entered Armstrongism - and GET HELP NOW. There are people who will help you. There are people who will support you. And above all - do not go it alone. You and your life are precious to God. And it is time to break free and set your life on the right track again. 

You DO have a voice. You DO have a right. Don't let these cults chain you with their deception. The truth will set you free! 

The Exit and Support Network has extensive links to help you out of your Armstrongism experience. Go there today. 

For God so loved the world that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)

There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. (Romans 8)

Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. (2 Cor 3:17)


  1. I once considered suicide while I was in the cult, but I knew it was murder and I refused. But I prayed for God to take my life one night after I went to bed. I was serious and I fully expected Him to grant my wish before morning dawned. I was just so tired of feeling worthless and dealing with all the negativity day after day. I just couldn't take it anymore. My mind wasn't thinking about anything elsec. I knew God would take care of my children. He answered my prayer. That night He took my life in a very vivid dream and changed it forever by speaking to me and surrounding me with His love. It was the very first time in my whole life that I felt love. He spoke to me telling me that it didn't matter about my body, what I looked like. What mattered was what was in my heart and in my head. He told me I was His child, I was special, and that He loves me. No one had EVER said those words to me. His love surrounded me in every part of my being. I woke up gasping, renewed and on a high that lasted a whole week. If you see or know someone that is considering suicide, that person needs validation, encouragement, but most of all, love. Please, get the help. Reach out to professionals, trusted friends and/or loving family members not hooked into the net of the cults. And yes, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!!

  2. Probably because of my background, I have never felt trapped. Childhood with a step-mother (not in the Church) in a semi-abusive environment, made everything good in comparison.
    I am interested to know what de-programming means and how it is done. Could you elaborate on this in a blog post please.
    It seems from reading Banned, that HWA had 3 periods - the world is ending tomorrow, business building, and the Apostle to the world. I did not experience him directly until the Apostle phase.

  3. De-programming is a process to help you cleanse yourself from the toxic brainwashing that cults engage in to conform their minds to their way of thinking. It is most helpful in people who are victims of the methods of mind-control, or mind-conditioning. It is done by professionals who have experience in helping those who have been traumatized, or have been thoroughly brainwashed through the teachings of an alternative environment, and helps you regain what you have lost - or maybe never even knew you had lost.

    Cults program you. They remove your entire self to conform you to their version of reality, and their version of expectations are. For some people, it can be very challenging to go from cult to the real world while still fully programmed by the cult to their reality. This is where de-programming comes in.

    Take Armstrongism. Their teaching was that salvation was dependent on your obedience. Obedience to their version of Law, obedience to the Sabbath, and obediece to Holy Days. Most were programmed to believe that failure to obey these three things - plus any command from the ministry, or failure to tithe - would result in eternal damnation. This is programming. It can induce fear, anxiety, panic, and a whole host of different conditions that can lead to depression, or worse - as this thread has shown. To combat this, you need to deprogram yourself so you regain your confidence and your abilities. It's much like wiping and reformatting your hard drive.

    Armstrongism is a quagmire of spiritual abuse. The effects are much the same as other forms of abuse, like physical abuse or verbal abuse. Therefore, the best people to deprogram are those who are trained in the victims of abuse - or a behavioral health specialist. There are also many resources online to help - simply google "Deprogramming Mind Control". Often times with Armstrongism - many do not realize just how deep and how strong the cults have programmed them to think and act in a certain way, in that they don't even know exactly who they are anymore. Good therapy is a big help.

    About HWA.

    Phase 1 - the World Ending Tomorrow actually lasted through his whole ministry (3 to 5 years, really), but was most prevalent in WWI, and WWII, and during the massive building program in the 60s and early 70s. The business building really took off though the 50s to the early 70s. The Apostle to the World phase took off after the buildings were completed, and Herbert had the chance to tour the world as an "Ambassador of World Peace" in the mid 70s through the early 80s. They had to have a religious reason to continue the funding to maintain what they had built. Preaching their version of "the Gospel" in "fulfilling Matthew 24" was enough to keep the income flowing. It was all carefully calculated and thoroughly manipulated - fueled by so much double talk and cunning manipulation shrewd is an absolute understatement.

    I can definitely put this on the list for a new blog post if this doesn't answer it enough for you. It's certainly a substantial topic. But I'm more of a recipient than a giver in this field. I may just need to link to a lot of resources.

  4. thanks - the info you provided is good enough for me.
    From your description of programming, the USA can be defined as having 2 political cults, while the independents like me watch with amusement and disgust. Try and reason with a true believer of either party and you will find it a waste of time and logic.

  5. Were you brought up as a child in WCG? My wife came in as a child and the lake of fire was pretty scary to young children. BTW - she agrees with you on the festivals unlike me.
    I received the book you mentioned on the world Jesus knew - looks pretty good - thanks for letting me know about it.

  6. Yes. From birth. And yes, the Lake of Fire was very scary to young children - but not as scary as the prospect of your parents being taken from Earth as a Spirit Being while you were stuck down below because you were not a baptized member. I went through the whole process - birth, as a child, listening to HWA, teenage years, SEPx3, clubs, eventually serving as a song leader, went through the split, elected to advisory council (local), did some speaking - before I wised up to the hypocrisy after the pastor said something alarming I could not reason with - and could not in good conscience go anymore, and rescinded my membership.

  7. After which I began deep studies into Armstrongism, theology, Christianity, religion, exegesis of the Bible, etc...... and delved into materials I never knew existed, which opened my eyes to the depth of the scam I was involved in.


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