Thursday, October 11, 2018

Prophecitus Armstrongitus

There's a syndrome out there in COG-Land.

Syndrome: "a characteristic combination of opinions, emotions, or behavior."

It's a syndrome that is marked by delusions, illusions of grandeur, false statements, inability to acknowledge error, erroneous suppositions, and repetition. This syndrome has been ongoing for over 60 years.

That syndrome - though, of course, not officially recognized - is what I will call....

 Prophecitus Armstrongitus. 

Prophecitus Armstrongitus is a tendency to speak forth prophecies (the attempt at foretelling the future) using the Bible, doctrines of Armstrongism, or both, to further and advance their belief system in an attempt to cause others to believe their dogmas as well. 

Though most have Prophecitus Armstrongitus in it's more benign stage (they won't actively spread Prophecitus Armstrongitus, but will defend the prophecies if provoked)- a few have what I will call Malignant Acute Prophecitus Armstrongitus. (MAPA). Those who have MAPA will stop at nothing to proclaim their delusions as truth to the impair and detriment of those who believe what is being said - REGARDLESS of how badly such prophecies have failed.

Malignant Acute Prophecitus Armstrongitus is in my opinion mentally dangerous. Those who succomb to one who has MAPA will first become excited and act on the delusions with belief and expectation. However, the prophecies by those with MAPA always fail. Once these prophecies fail, then the one who succombed to the syndrome will experience depression, anxiety, despair, dissonance, anger, frustration, resentment, discouragement, and may also succomb to long-lasting effects of doubt, distrust, and spiritual harm that may lead to agnostic or atheistic tendencies.

Those who have MAPA will not be able to admit their failures. They will either blame a lack of understanding and set a new timeframe in the not to distant future, or state it has been fulfilled in an ethereal or intangible way, which was different than first prophesied. Often, they will then issue a whole new set of prophecies in addition to the first one.

Those with MAPA are extremely cunning and deceptive, and usually appear to be intelligent. Their speech is smooth, as butter. Often, their response to criticism of any form is rash anger. Some go to the other extreme and avoid any response at all.

A few seem to have displayed strange physical symptoms as an awkward lean, wild gestures, and an apparent astigmatism when it comes to constructing bookcases. OK, I just had to throw that in there. 

How then, can one avoid the snare of MAPA?

First, vaccinate yourself with the Word of God. The Bible is clear that false prophets speak presumptuously. Many claim they are speaking for God when they are not. They are deluded and are speaking out of their own minds. When their prophecies fail to happen - which they always will - pay them no attention whatsoever, and ignore any power they profess to have. They have none. The only "power" they have is to get you to believe. Once they are proven false, you know that they are speaking only of the delusional effects of MAPA.

Second, use discernment. Is what they are saying in line with the Gospel of Jesus Christ? If it isn't, pay them no attention.

Third - use history as a defense. Armstrongism has a long and detailed - and firmly established record of failed prophecies over 60 years. If one with MAPA is fully converted with the doctrines of Armstrongism, the chances of any of their prophecies to EVER happen is .000001%.

Fourth - know what is and is not a prophecy. If one with MAPA attempts to say they are uttering a prophecy, but uses words as a disclaimer to give them an out (likely, seemingly, possibly, maybe, could, perhaps), these are NOT prophecies at all. They are simply suggesting a possible outcome, no matter how they brand it. A real prophecy has a definitive date, time, and fulfillment without room for error. Not one REAL prophecy uttered by one with MAPA syndrome has EVER happened. Even the suggested outcomes rarely ever happen, if at all.

MAPA feeds on the false doctrinal systems which malignantly spread in the 20th century by Herbert Armstrong. Herbert Armstrong's skill and cunning deceptions were propagated by recognition and implementation of advertising psychological methods on target audiences. Many have attempted to replicate his success. None have even come close.

Recovery is a process from one who has been victimized by MAPA. Prayer, support, time, and therapy will slowly begin to heal one from the symptoms of MAPA. The sooner, the better. Each case is different.

*****Of COURSE, a disclaimer: MAPA is NOT an official syndrome, nor recognized as a syndrome by any real syndrome authority. Yet - The effects of false prophecies by those in Armstrongism ARE real. Don't pay any attention to those who speak presumptuously. They will always be wrong - and will always try to take your hard earned money on the pretense of the authority of tithing laws of the Old Testament. Don't learn the hard way how many wolves are out there in sheep's clothing. ********


  1. Malignant Acute Prophecitus Armstrongitus is mental illness.

  2. Based on the fact that some actually whole-heartedly believe they are absolutely right with their prophetic mumbo-jumbo, even though they are proven absolutely wrong, I'd have to fully agree. Armstrongism has even defended itself against that - by causing them to believe what HWA and GTA taught, that modern psychology is evil and satanic!!

  3. The COGs do have a name for it - "prediction addiction" - some have much more of a problem than others.

  4. "Prediction Addiction" works. However, I am kind of partial to Prophecitus Armstrongitus. It just sounds more.... what's the word.... cynical maybe? Or maybe, not as serious.

  5. I should say "Prediction Addiction" does not sound as serious.

  6. you are right - prediction addiction makes light of false prophecies and timetables that caused some people major problems who let it affect their lives for the worse.

  7. And STILL causes problems for those who are trapped in some splinter group where the leader is spouting garbage.


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