Thursday, September 13, 2018

The Fortress of Imperial Greed

Closed in the iron vault of one man's idea
Locked, empty, yet familiar and home.
The fortitude of what we knew.  
The hope of a kingly future.

Yes, we were of a mind convinced - 
closed and sealed against the evil outside. 
Minds shut, like a cellar against the storm -
closing the windows of our hearts
against the winds of opposition.

For a contrary thought was the manifestation of evil.
A scholarly way was the path of destruction.
Though many would reach down with intentions of help,
hostile, the foe, away with your mercy!
We bury our heads in defiance, we close our eyes to the light.

No, for they were the most foolish of fools, we thought.
Blind deceivers without understanding, pagan idolaters of confusion -
their minds illegitimate, their worship in vain, depart!
You who threaten us with the evils of hell, depart!
Do you know who you are talking to? Who you see?
We shall rule, we shall be king, you shall learn and repent!
It is us who will inherit all things! Yes even us!
For we will be as God, the Most High, we thought. 
For they do not know the plan! They do not know The Truth!
Someday they shall repent!
We are the called!
We are the chosen!

Oh, the stench of the fog of dense pride we had
how it billows forth as the smoke of blazing coals.
Oh, the putrid smell of the thick acid hate we had
accusing the innocent of sinful lies
Not knowing their hearts, nor caring, nor feeling.
Oh, how we said how we kept the Law, how holy we were.
yet with arrogance and ignorance
ignoring the world as pagans, dumb and mute -
and turned a blind eye with bold assurance.
Oh, the stench of the fumes of our lawkeeping.
How good and how pleasant we thought we were. 
Arrogance flowing as hot lava
Burning all goodness in it's path.

Oh be it not for the grace of God
our pride, arrogance, and foolishness
would have been the peril
of the darkness of the delusion
of one man's mind
a mind convinced

The fortress of imperial greed.

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